Sunny Singh who is all set to take over the hearts of all the girls out there with his perfect boyfriend role in his next film Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety had his first fan moment. The actor who along with his co-actors Kartik Aryan and Nushrat Bharucha travelled to Kolkata today to promote their film.
On their way to the city, Sunny bumped into Yuvraj Singh. Sunny is an ardent cricket fan and has been very fond of Yuvraj Singh from the very beginning. When the two met on the flight, he was really happy and the two spent the entire trip chatting with each other.
Sunny Singh shares" I am really fond of Yuvi Paaji. He is a really lovely person and I have immense respect for him. Throughout the journey, we kept talking and he was very sweet to share a lot of insight about him."